

As the students are starting to settle in to the school schedule, preparations are under way for the next Eiken test. Today, the students taking eiken 2, Pre-1 and 1 were shown how to improve their listening skills. The students were introduced to a new listening assignment that will help them to master the listening section on the test.

Although, listening sections in exams are never an easy area, the students were able to make quick work of the first section in this class. Each class we will focus on a different area of skill, from grammar, vocabulary, reading to writing. Each is equally as important as the other and we hope that this will put the students in a good position to pass and achieve their goals for this year! Good luck to all, do your best!

生徒たちが学校に慣れてきたので、いよいよ次は英検の準備です。 本日、英検2級、準1級、1級を受講した生徒はリスニングスキルを向上させる方法を学びました。 リスニングに役立つ新しい課題をだされました。 決して簡単ではありませんがこの最初の授業を迅速に行うことができました。 各クラスでは、文法、語彙、読解から作文まで、さまざまなスキル分野に焦点を当てます。 生徒が今年の目標を達成することを願っています。 頑張ってください!

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