This week, we were busy helping the students enter the Clark discussion contest. The theme, which was based upon hosting the Olympic Games posed an interesting challenge for the students to complete. They researched the cost, of hosting such huge games then went on to make both a speech and a video of themselves reading it aloud. This is a huge opportunity for the students to demonstrate not only their writing skills, but to voice their opinion on subjects not usually in popular conversation. All the students that entered did a fantastic job and we ended up with over 25 students being able to participate. Good luck to those that entered! The judges will make their decision on the first round soon so fingers crossed, Nagoya does well!

生徒たちがクラーク・ディスカッションコンテストに参加するため、その準備を手伝っていました。今回のテーマは「オリンピック」。このコンテストは、生徒たちにとって、非常に興味深いものになります。 まず、生徒たちは、オリンピックのような大規模な大会の開催にかかる費用について調べ、スピーチとそれを読み上げるビデオの両方を作成しました。文章を書くスキルを磨くだけでなく、普段の会話には出てこないようなテーマについて自分の意見を述べる大きなきっかけとなります。