【国際専攻】 オールイングリッシュでデータ分析!「健康的な睡眠とは?」英語を使えば資料集めもグローバル

This month the students in the A Class of the International Course learned about the importance of healthy sleep.
For their final project, they created a promotional campaign, to share what they’ve learned with the entire school, and also to encourage healthy sleep habits. The students were divided into three groups, and each group was responsible for presenting their unique idea to one grade.
(単元最後のプロジェクトとして、Aクラスでは単元を通して学んだことの発表のため、また全校生徒に健康な睡眠を宣伝するためにある取り組みを行いました。その名も、「Healthy Sleep キャンペーン」です!Aクラスの生徒たちは3つのグループでそれぞれ担当する学年を決め、自分たちが考えた睡眠の促進方法を発表してきました。)

The grade 2 group decided to demonstrate how healthy sleep is correlated to reaction time. They used a game called “Subway Surfers” to measure the students’ reaction time, then asked the students to submit their scores, and the number of hours they sleep per night. Although the scores were not strongly correlated to sleep time, they did manage to increase the number of students sleeping over 8 hours by 10%!


Finally, the grade 3 group hypothesized that being in a relationship results in healthier life habits, including increased sleep time. They asked the 3rd grade students to anonymously indicate their relationship status, as well as average sleep time. The unsurprising result is…

there is not a strong connection between being single and sleep time.
Although the campaign results were mixed, the students had a lot of fun finding creative ways to promote healthy sleep habits!