
【国際専攻】ニュージーランドの高校生たちとの交流会! ~専攻授業ではオンラインを活用した異文化交流も活発!~

On the end of May, students enjoyed an international experience! 
They held an exchange session with students of Awatupu College in New Zealand. 
The NS students and the Clark students enjoyed cultural exchange and some language exchange games through a ZOOM meeting.
Stuents and teachers alike had a great time, and everyone is looking forward to the next “Awatupu Day.”

次の「アワタプ デイ」が楽しみですね!

Students enjoy a game of “Picture Shiritori” with students of Awatupu College, NZ
Awatupu students (NZ),attempt to guess the clues from Clark students in “Picture Shiritori”

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