
【国際コース】 高文連 全道英語プレゼンテーションコンテスト ~🌸第5位 入賞🌸~




A few weeks ago, students in the International Course participated in the Hokkaido High School Cultural Association All Hokkaido English Presentation Contest. For the second year in a row, Clark team Team Ambitious made it to the finals. This year, Team Ambitious won 5th place in the All Hokkaido competition for their presentation on the new uniform reuse program. Team Ambitious members explained in English that the uniform reuse program will save more than 80,000 yen for the families of high school students and help protect the environment for the next generation. We are proud of Team Ambitious for their hard work, creativity, and excellent English skills. And we are excited to see that they are already making plans for next year’s competition!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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