
【国際コース】 「Communication」授業 ~音楽を通して相手の気持ちを大切にしながら自分の意見をはっきりと言えるコツを学ぼう~


In this week’s Level 2 Communication Skills class, we used describing music as a way to review how to give our opinions in English, and then thought about how we can disagree with others without hurting their feelings, before practicing it together. First, we listened to songs from many different genres of music, then looked up English words we needed to be able to describe the songs to someone else. Then, using our descriptions, we reviewed how to give our opinions on something in English and practiced by telling each other what we thought about the songs. Finally, we thought about how we could disagree with others without upsetting them if we have differing opinions, before putting it into practice by exchanging our opinions on the music that we had listened to. In this way, we were able to use talking about music to learn and practice English that is useful in a wide variety of different situations in a fun and engaging way.

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