
【国際コース】HBAの生徒と交流 ~ハワイでは一番多い日本人の苗字は?~





The other day, the International Course students had an online cultural exchange session with a group of over twenty students from the Hawaii Baptist Academy High School (HBA). The International Course students prepared a Power Point based quiz game to help the students from Hawaii to learn more about Hokkaido. And Yoo Sensei, the HBA teacher, made an amazing trivia quiz about Hawaii and its relationship with Japan! Did you know that Nakamura is the most common Japanese name found in japan???!!! We all learned many new things during the quizzes. Of course, all of the communication between the students was in English. It was a great chance for the International Course students to make friends with students in a different country. And the most exciting thing is that the students from Hawaii will be coming to our school in October and the students will be able to spend the day together in person!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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