
【国際コース】 「Production」授業 ~授業で学んだことを中学生に教える大作戦!~


In today’s Production lesson, we found out what our second semester project is going to be. The students are going to teach something they have learned in Production class to some Junior High School students! In the first semester, students learned about not only English, but about many languages and regions, and used this to explore the links between “language” and “culture.” Based on this, students must devise a 15 minute activity to teach something they learned in Production class to Junior High School students who come to visit us at Clark High School in mid-November. Today, as the first step in their project, the students split into 5 different groups, each with a mix of different ages and English ability levels. Then, they brainstormed and discussed ideas for possible activities they think their group could do. It’s the beginning of a big challenge, so everybody is a little nervous, but we are all looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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