【国際コース】 「Reading&Writing」授業 ~自らの興味・関心に合わせた本を読む!~
In the International Course, we have over 600 English book in all genres which students can choose from to read in our reading classes. The other day in the English reading class, we asked all the students to pick out the two favorite books that they had read so far this school year. Then each student thought about what made the books they selected so great. After that, students introduced their favorite books to each other. The classroom was filled with students talking about interesting characters, shocking mystery stories, and even conversations about other books that students’ read when they were children. In many English reading classes in Japan, students read the books that the teacher instructs them to read. But at Clark, students can read the books that interest and move them! And when you read a book that you love, isn’t one of the first things that you want to do is recommend it to a friend.