【国際コース】 「Test Skills」授業 ~テストのスキルを学ぶだけの授業ではありません!~
国際コースの多様なカリキュラムの一つに、「Test Skills」があります。この授業では、生徒たちは個人個人の英語能力レベルに合う実用英語技能検定(いわゆる「英検」)の資料を活用して特別な自習方法で勉強させています。
本日のレベル1の「Test Skills」の授業では、能力的に英検の5級以下から現在準2級の教材で挑戦している生徒たちが自分に合う資料を使って、一生懸命に勉強している立派な様子が見えました。
“Test Skills” is one of the various classes offered on the International Course. In this class, students use materials from the standardized “Japanese Practical Test of English Proficiency” (otherwise known as, “Eiken”) to improve their English using a special self-study method. Continuously being developed by International Course teachers, this method has even been presented at international education research conferences. The method is not a way to “beat” the Eiken test, rather it improves universal self-study skills which are applicable to a variety of learning contexts. In today’s Level 1 Test Skills class, students whose English levels range from below Grade 5 (Eiken beginners’ level) to Grade pre-2 were all working hard, using materials that suit their individual abilities. Well done everybody!