
【国際コース】 「Communication」授業 ~英語で日本料理のことを説明できますか?~


 普段の英語の授業では西洋の食べ物の名前など(pizza、hamburger、french fries等々)をよく勉強するのに、来日者が本当に知りたい日本料理の説明の仕方はなぜかあまり勉強する機会がありません。



When you talk with someone from another country, one of the most common topics of conversation is, “food.” In normal English classes, we often learn the words for Western foods such as “pizza,” “hamburger,” or “french fries,” but for some reason we do not often study how to describe Japanese food in English. So in today’s Communication Skills class, we tried to talk about Japanese food using only English words that we already knew (that is, without look up any words we didn’t know). At first it was very difficult, but slowly the students got used to using very simple words and language to describe food in a really easy-to-understand way. I think if any hungry tourists encounter our students, they’ll be very happy!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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