【国際コース】 「Communication」授業 ~ゲーム感覚で英語を覚えよう!~
今回、生徒たちは”vacuuming the floor”「床に掃除機をかける」、”doing the laundry”「洗濯をする」などの重要な語彙を学ぶためにパズルゲームをしました。その後、ビンゴゲームを行い、生徒が家庭でどのような家事をすることが期待されているかを調べました。最後に、神経衰弱を行い、授業で学んだ単語を練習しました。
Today in our 4-skills Communication Skills class, we talked about household chores. Students did a puzzle game to learn important vocabulary such as “vacuum the floor” and “do the laundry”. After that, students played a bingo game to find out what types of chores students were expected to do in their households. Finally, students played a matching card game to have one last chance to practice all of the language that they learned in class. Communication Skills classes are a great way for students to enjoy using English and also learn new vocabulary and grammar at the same time.