【国際コース】 「Production」授業 ~身の回りの様々なコミュニティについて学ぶ~
今年のテーマは”Caring Community“です。自分の周りのコミュニティーについて考え、どんなアクションを起こしていくことができるのか英語で考えます。今日の授業では、生徒たちは今年の授業でこれまでに学んだことについてプレゼンテーションをする準備をしました。グループに分かれ、LGBTQ+コミュニティについて、留学中の学生の様子、町内会の代表者に会った経験などを説明するパワーポイントのスライドを作成しました。
The International Course at Sapporo Odori is divided into three levels of classes depending on the students’ English level. But every week, students also have a chance to spend two hours doing project-based research together in the ‘Production’ class without worrying about other students’ English levels or grade. It is a great chance for all the students to discuss, present, and learn from each other in English.
This year’s theme is “Caring Community. Students spent the first semester thinking about and meeting members from the various communities around them. They also started, in English, to make a plan for what actions they can take to help those communities. Today in class, students prepared to give a presentation about what they have learned so far in class this year. In groups, students worked together to make PowerPoint slides explaining their experiences meeting leaders from the LGBTQ+ community, study abroad students, and representatives from the neighborhood association.
It is important for students to have time to reflect on what they learn, discuss it with other students, and present on their own experiences. This is an important step in helping the International Course students identify how to use their new knowledge and skills to take effective action.