
【国際コース】 各種コンテストを成長の機会に ~経験を共有し互いに学ぶ~




Every year, Clark holds a discussion contest. Participants have a chance to discuss important social issues in English, hear other students opinions, and also develop their English communication skills. This year, two Sapporo-Odori International course students made it to the final, national round of the competition.

During last week’s lesson, Nemoto San and Ito san, the two students who participated in the finals, gave a short talk about why the contest was a good experience for them, and also how to start to prepare for the next school year’s contest.

It was a great opportunity for students to learn from each other. One of the best aspects of the International Course at Sapporo Odori campus is how the third year students always assist the first-year and second-year students to prepare for all the opportunities that  Clark has to offer.

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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