
【国際コース】 英語エッセイコンテスト ~3名が優秀賞を獲得~ 




Just before the summer vacation, Clark held it’s annual Essay Writing Contest. Over 100 students participated by writing an essay about an important cross cultural experience.

We are very proud to announce that three Sapporo-Odori students received awards of special recognition in the contest. Ms. Otani entered into the highest level of the contest and wrote a 500 word essay about her experiences with her grandmother who is disabled but, but lives life to the fullest and treats the people around her with respect and kindness.

In addition to an official certificate, the students also received book cards. In the International Course, students have a well-balanced curriculum of class which helps them to develop all of their English skills simultaneously. Only in this way can students communicate in English at the highest level of ability!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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