【国際コース】 前期末試験の様子 ~テストは怖いものじゃない!?~
If you look at the pictures below, what kind of class do you think the International Course students are participating in? Perhaps it looks like a conversation class. Or maybe it looks like a fun activity-based class. But actually, this is the 1 hour preparation class students have before they take the 80 minute ‘Production Class’ test, perhaps the most difficult test in the International Course!
So why are the students looking so…happy and relaxed??!! One of the big reasons is that the third year students are making sure that the second year and first year students are really ready for the test. Thanks to the caring and knowledgeable 3rd year students in the International Course, the 1st and 2nd year students always know what to expect during tests and in class.
And even when the 3rd year students are quizing the other students and helping them study for a test, there is always a positive feeling in the classroom and the feeling that a test is not something to be scared of, but a great chance to show your English learning successes!