【国際コース】 「Communication」授業 ~英語の独特なコミュニケーションスキル~
In the International Course Communication Skills Class, students learn and practice the language and skills they need to communicate smoothly in English. Sometimes this means learning all the vocabulary and phrases you might use when asking for directions or the kind of grammar you use when talking about an exciting experience. But sometimes the most important part of communicating in English is how much information and details you will include in what you say. For example, when talking about your favorite animal or the place you like to hang out in your spare time, people usually give a lot of information as compared to someone communicating in Japanese.
Today in class, students had to describe animals that they liked and knew a lot about. So not only did the students have to learn vocabulary like “mammal”, “environment”, and “aggressive”, they also had to make sure that they gave enough details in their descriptions. To practice describing things in English, each student would get a piece of paper taped to their back with the name of an animal written on it. They would pair up with another student and have to describe the animal that was taped to their partner’s back. It was a fun and challenging way to practice language and the unique communication style of describing things in English!