【国際コース】 「Call」授業 ~動画視聴で生きた英語にふれる~
国際コースでは、生徒たちはITを使って、効率的に英語を学びます。授業のひとつでは、English Centralというソフトを使っています。
In the International Course, the students use IT to help them learn English quickly and efficiently. One of the classes is uses a software program called English Central. With this program, students can watch interesting short videos, study the new vocabulary in the videos, and even practice their pronunciation with the help of AI feedback. But students also need a chance to use the new language they are learning. So at the end of class, students introduce videos that they watched and enjoyed to each other. They talk about the video content and the English that they learned. This way students can have a balanced way to get English input and practice output. Also sharing their opinions about videos they watch and how they study, helps the International Course students build a string sense of community. And with a strong sense of community, students can stay motivated to keep studying English!