
【ボランティア】 クラーク札幌大通校×Amazon SPS Gives ~年間を通して社会貢献活動を行っていきます~ 




On Sunday, Clark students joined the members of Gives, the official volunteer group for Amazon Japan staff, for our monthly river cleaning project. This month’s clean-up was extra special because May is the official Global Month of Volunteering. In celebration of this special month, Amazon gave every Clark student a special Amazon produced volunteer t-shirt and cell-phone strap. 38 Clark students and 30 Amazonians (that is the name that Amazon staff members use for each other) spent two hours in beautiful and sunny weather cleaning up the Toyohira River. Many of the Amazon staff members are from different areas in Japan and also from overseas. So it was a great chance for our students to learn about foreign countries, practice their English, and also learn about what it is like to work at one of the largest companies in the world.

This month there was a special contest: the cigarette butt collecting battle. Each team tried to find and pick up as many cigarette butts as possible. Each teams’ bag of cigarette butts and the winning teams received some delicious bake goods. The winning team collected over 130 grams of cigarette butts. It was a fantastic day in the sun and we are looking forward to the June river cleaning activity!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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