
【ボランティア】 「クラーク札幌大通校×Amazon SPS Gives」で地域社会を豊かに

 先週末、クラーク札幌大通校はアマゾンジャパンの公式ボランティア団体であるSPS Givesの月例河川清掃活動に2度目の参加をしました。当日は涼しい晴天に恵まれ、クラークの学生もアマゾンのボランティアも気持ちよくゴミを拾いながら、青空の下でコミュニケーションを楽しむことができました。

 清掃チームは、アマゾンのメンバー2~3人とクラークの生徒2人のグループに分かれて活動しました。掃除をしながら、生徒たちはアマゾンのスタッフに “アマゾンで働くのはどんな感じですか?”、”普段の1日はどんな感じですか?”、”アマゾンで働きたいと思ったきっかけは?”、さらには “ビジネス環境で使う英語はどのように勉強していますか?”など様々な質問をしていました。アマゾンのボランティアたちは、生徒たちの質問に丁寧に、親切に、そして笑顔で答えてくれました。



Last weekend Clark joined SPS Gives, the official volunteer organization of Amazon Japan, for their monthly river cleaning activity. The weather was cool and sunny and the Clark students and the Amazon volunteers could comfortably pick up trash and also enjoy chatting under a blue sky.

The cleaning teams were split into groups with two or three Amazon members and two Clark students. As they cleaned, Clark students asked the Amazon staff questions like: “What is it like to work at Amazon?”, “What is your typical day like?”, “How did you decide you wanted to work at Amazon?”, and even “How do you study English for a business environment?” The Amazon volunteers answered all of the students’ questions in detail and with both kindness and a lot of smiles.

Many of the Amazon staff were from foreign countries in Asia, and it was a great chance for the students to directly see how English is the main language of business in the world, and how even at companies located in Japan, English and cultural understanding is becoming more and more important.

At the end of the volunteering, the Amazon staff and Clark students were chatting as if they had known each other for months. Kishimoto San came strolling back to the gathering point at the end of the activity and said, “I was a little nervous at the beginning. But by the end, I found that I had made two new friends.”

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