

It’s spring vacation! That means that students are off relaxing and having fun, not thinking of school at all… except many of our students are thinking about school quite a lot! They’re very diligent and using their free time to get in some extra studying. Many of the soon-to-be-third graders are already hard at work preparing for their university applications. One way to do that is to gain high-level certifications, and EIKEN is always a big help for students. Haruki is one of the students that have been coming regularly to practice with the native teachers. We’re so impressed with his dedication!

横浜キャンパスは4人ネイティブの先生たちが常に学習をサポートしてくれる環境で、Student Hours(個別指導の時間)は春休みにも関わらず大人気。新3年生の西井さんもコンスタントにネイティブの先生の指導を仰ぎながら頑張っている生徒の1人。その向上心には驚かされます。


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