Ruri just came back from 3 months in Australia and came back to school today. I had a little chat with her to hear about her study abroad experience. She had a great time and really enjoyed being immersed in a different cultures and learned a lot from it. What made me really happy as a teacher was the smile on her face while she was talking to me about it and I was very impressed with her English fluency and how easy it was now for her to have a conversation with me English without overthinking every words. At the end of our conversation she said ” I want to go back”.
2 年インターナショナルコースの平松さんが3ヶ月にわたるオーストリアでの語学研修を終えて、久々にキャンパスに登校しました。出発前は少し緊張しているようにも見えましたが、異国の文化に触れ、多くのことを学んだ様子で、とても良い経験ができたようです。ナデージュ先生と笑顔でオーストリアの思い出を話す平松さん。渡航前に比べると英語がとても流暢になっていたことに驚きました。そして会話の最後には「また行きたい」と言っており、達成感がうかがえました。