




International Course Introduction for 2024 Academic Year

As we come to the end of the 2023 academic year, the International course has begun thinking about how we can improve going forward. We have some exciting things planned for the next academic year. We were excited to share these plans with the current international course students.


Fly to the WORLD 飛べ!世界へ!

Some students in our international course have been accepted to universities abroad, including the University of Windsor, the University of Adelaide, and the Queensland University of Technology. However, we would like to increase the support for students applying to foreign universities. In fact, this is often given as one of the main reasons students join the international course. In order to equip our students with the necessary skills for these competitive international university applications, we will broaden the scope of the international course. EIKEN will always be important for English students in Japan and we will continue to support students achieving their EIKEN goals. On the other hand, we also want to support students who are taking internationally recognised testing methods. TOEFL and IELTS are two English tests that will focus more on. Both of these tests are internationally recognised by foreign universities when selecting their applicants and will give CLARK students a much stronger application.


Changes to our curriculum

We are also making big changes to our curriculum. As well as introducing a new textbook from April 2024, we will change how we create course material for our students. Next year we will focus on Project Based Learning, which will give students more opportunities to follow their own interests in class. Although teachers will provide a theme, the students can choose which questions in this theme they want to learn about. An example of these themes could be things like environmentalism, food diversity or the problems in the fashion industry. In this way, Students can naturally acquire English through monthly projects that they are passionate about. Right now, native English teachers from CLARK campus across Japan are working together in teams to create these themes.

また、カリキュラムにも大きな変更を加えます。2024年4月から新しい教科書を導入するだけでなく、生徒のために教材を作成する方法を変更します。来年度はプロジェクト・ベースド・ラーニング(Project Based Learning)に重点を置き、生徒が授業で自分の興味・関心に従う機会を増やします。教師はテーマを提示しますが、生徒はそのテーマの中から学びたい問題を選ぶことができます。例えば、環境保護、食の多様性、ファッション業界の問題などです。このように、生徒たちは毎月のプロジェクトを通して熱中することで、自然に英語を身につけることができます。現在、日本全国のクラークキャンパスから集まったネイティブ教員がチームを組んで、このテーマづくりに取り組んでいます。

A more transparent way to determine the levels

Another change is how we determine which level students are in. The international course has 5 levels based on English ability. This level is determined by both a written and interview test. However, in the future we plan to make this process more transparent for students. In the future, it will be easier for a student to understand why they are in a level and they can move up to a more difficult level.


We are all very excited for the changes coming to the international course in the 2024 academic year and hope you will be a part of it!


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