
【インターナショナルコース】高校生パーラメンタリーディベート世界交流大会2024 ⑥ Debate with SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh, Indonesia

1月29日〜2月10日に、高校生がパーラメンタリーディベート(英国議会方式の即興ディベート)を通して国際文化交流を行う大会(PDWC: Parliamentary Debate World Conference & Competition 2024)がオンラインで開催されました。クラーク記念国際高校東京キャンパスからは、インターナショナルコースの2, 3年生3名が参加しました!

今回は 2月8日(木)におこなった「Student Connect Activity 2」と、インドネシアのバンダアチェにある公立高校との白熱の「Debate Round 3」の様子をお伝えします!


The word “appreciation”

This was a very challenging debate and the students were pushed for time to get the arguments together. Before this evening’s debate, we participated in a student connect activity that was focused on the idea of appreciation. The word appreciation, very simply, is translated as KANSHA.


Discover what we appreciated

However, there is much more to it than just that. We were asked to join with members from other teams, interact, and discover what we appreciated about them, their culture, and their identity. It was a lot of fun and the students really enjoyed it.


Motion: “Do social movements help to achieve peace?”


In Debate Round 3, we were placed against the team from Indonesia. They are very experienced and well practiced for debating. The motion was “Do social movements help to achieve peace?” This is such a difficult topic. Students spent most of their preparation time looking into various movements from over the last ten years.

Debate Round 3 ではインドネシアのチームと対戦することになりました。彼らはディベートの経験が豊富で、よく練習しています。モーションは「社会運動は平和の実現に役立つか」。これはとても難しいテーマです。生徒たちは準備期間のほとんどを過去10年間のさまざまな社会運動を調べることに費やしました

Applause for the Indonesian team

In the end, we were unable to win as the Indonesian team was too strong. But I am confident that our students learned so much and grew as adults.


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