クラーク記念国際高等学校 東京キャンパス インターナショナルコースでは、ネイティブの先生が中心に授業を行っています。今回は、木曜日の選択授業のうち、オーストラリア出身のピーター先生によるディベートを紹介します!
Finally, we have started debating again
Up until this point, we have been organizing members, arranging teams, and discussing various topics and themes that we would like to debate in the coming year.
After the great success of last year, students are eager to challenge themselves and present their opinions in a polite and confident manner in a debate setting.

Today’s topic: “The house believes that students would benefit from a shorter school day.”
Today we debated the following:
“The house believes that students would benefit from a shorter school day.”
The role of each speaker is set out and all students understand what they need to do.

Speaker 1 will introduce the team’s opinion, followed by an introductory passage about what the following speakers will present.
Speaker 2 will provide the examples and details that are needed to support the stance of the team.
An amazing experience!
And, speaker 3 will close the team’s debate and give rebuttal to the other teams that have presented.
I hope that you come and debate with us one day. It really is an amazing experience.
そして発言者 3 がチームのディベートを締めくくり、発表した他のチームに対して反論を行います。