クラーク国際 東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースは、英語力、ほかの文化を理解する力、世界の課題に取り組む力を育成するコースです。インターナショナルコースでは、今年度からプロジェクト型学習(Project-Based Learning)を取り入れた新しいカリキュラムを開始しました。今回はLewis先生が、レベル4の校外学習の様子をご紹介します。

Thinking about future plans
Our students are thinking about their future plans in Level 4 of the International Course. They made a questionnaire in English in order to ask other students what they planned to do when they graduate.


We decided to take them to the Japan College of Foreign Languages to allow them to interview students that had already graduated from high school. Our plan was to allow them to talk to their future selves and find out what their own future may look like.
Thank you for the hearty reception and interaction