
【インターナショナルコース】7/20オープンキャンパス ‘Talk to someone new!’

クラーク国際 東京キャンパスインターナショナルコースは、英語力、ほかの文化を理解する力、世界の課題に取り組む力を育成するコースです。インターナショナルコースでは、7月20日(土)に今年度初めての体験授業を2教室開講しました!今日は Speaking and Writing Activity “Talk to someone new!” を担当したカナダ出身のAdam先生が当日の様子をお届けします。


First Open English Class

“Talk to someone new” was the theme of this lesson. Our warm up started with repeating and asking W5 questions with our wonderful Clark student volunteers.

このレッスンのテーマは 「初めて出会う人と話そう」でした。ウォーミングアップは、素晴らしいクラーク生のボランティアと一緒にW5(When: いつ、Where: どこで、Who: 誰と、What: 何を、Why: なぜ)の質問をお互いに聞いてみることからはじめました。

Able to write a short essay about you

Just like how video-games start off easy and progress to more difficult levels; after we mastered the first task we moved on to more complicated ones. The end result was students were able to read in front of the class a short essay they wrote about them selves.


Useful writing techniques that can be applied to higher level academic writing

The skills we covered are very useful writing techniques that can be applied to higher level academic writing as well. Everyone had fun challenging themselves in this lesson and were able to complete the writing assignment in the short time we had.


A taste of what it is like to study at Clark!

This lesson was a wonderful opportunity for our guests to meet our Clark students as well as each other, and for these young learners to have a little taste of what it is like to study at Clark. I hope you come back and join other International Course classes.


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