

インターナショナルコースでは、東京都教育委員会と株式会社TOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAYが提供する体験型英語学習施設「東京グローバルゲートウェイ」青海 Blue Ocean に行ってきました。日常から離れ、普段やり取りをするネイティブ教員以外の多様な人々とコミュニケーションをとり、いつもと違う環境のなか、グローバルな世界を存分に体験することができました。今回は、前日に東京キャンパスで実施した事前学習の様子をウェンディ先生がご紹介します


Preparing for an immersive English-language learning experience

The Tokyo Global Gateway (TGG) is an immersive English-language learning experience designed to help students gain international skills and perspectives.

東京グローバルゲートウェイ (TGG) は、生徒が国際的なスキルと視野を身につけられるようにデザインされた、没入型の英語学習体験です。このプログラムに参加する高校生にとって、学習と文化体験を最大限に生かすためには、出発前の十分な準備が大切です。

Understanding the purpose

We explained to students the purpose of the trip and that they will engage with various English speakers, participate in workshops, and experience different cultural settings. The main purpose is to practice the English they are learning on a daily basis, to gain confidence in their speaking by being able to communicate and to develop a global mindset.


Four exciting activities!

We used role-playing scenarios to simulate real-world situations students might encounter at TGG, such as the overseas airport and campus experiences, intercultural understanding, and public speaking. This will help students feel more comfortable using English in practical situations.


Which experiences do you want to join, and why?

Each group of students had the opportunity to choose which experience they would like to join and why. After a heated pitch session, it was decided which experience each group could take part in!


Embark on their journey with confidence and excitement

By focusing on language skills, cultural awareness, and practical logistics, our students can embark on their journey with confidence and excitement. This preparation not only enhances the learning experience but also ensures that students can fully immerse themselves in the program, making the most of this unique opportunity.


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