クラーク国際 東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースでは、8月30日に、お台場にある体験型英語学習施設 TOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAY (TGG)Blue Oceanを訪れました。ここでは、各グループに1人のイングリッシュスピーカーのエージェントがつきます。まるで本当に海外にいるような体験型の英会話アクティビティに参加することができます。今日はエアポートゾーンでの体験の様子をアダム先生がご紹介します。
Gateway to Global Experience
Tokyo Global Gateway is where young people can practice using English in simulated situations. TGG has a wide variety of experiences to choose from, an airport, restaurants, public speaking workshops, science challenges, programming, a TV studio, and so on.
A day before going to Tokyo Global Gateway we ran small simulations at the Tokyo Campus. Clark students enjoyed practicing specific English they would then use when we visited TGG. This helped the students better prepare for the kinds of activities they would participate in.
Upon entering TGG our students had the opportunity to explore and speak with English speakers from all over the world. Clark students’ English level ranges from beginner to advanced, and I’m sure that everyone enjoyed their experience there, and learned something new. This was a special day, that everyone will remember for a lifetime.