

クラーク記念国際高等学校 東京キャンパス インターナショナルコースでは、ネイティブの先生が中心に授業を行っています。今回は、木曜日の選択授業のうち、オーストラリア出身のピーター先生によるディベートを紹介します!


Can peer pressure have a positive effect on young people?

Topic:“The House Believes that Peer Pressure Can have a Positive Effect on Young People.”

This is a difficult topic, but I believe it is very close to the lives of young people in our society today. I am so happy that I got such a positive response on this topic from the students. It shows me that they think about and concern themselves with this topic daily.


What do you think?

Peer pressure can be a very difficult part of our daily lives. It can be stressful dealing with it. But, if we can sit down together and talk about it, maybe we can come up with ways to deal with it.

Is there a positive element to peer pressure? Or is it all negative? Have you experienced it? How did you deal with it? Many questions, but I believe it is such an important issue. I would love to hear what you have to say about this.


同調圧力にはポジティブな要素もあるのでしょうか? それともネガティブなものばかりですか? 経験したことはありますか?どう対処しましたか? 多くの質問がありますが、これはとても重要な問題だと思います。ぜひ皆さんの考えも聞かせてください

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