クラーク国際 東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースは、英語力、ほかの文化を理解する力、世界の課題に取り組む力を育成するコースです。インターナショナルコースは、無学年制のレベル別授業を展開しています。そのため、生徒はどのレベルからでも着実に成長できます。今回はAdam先生が、全国のクラークキャンパスを繋いで行なった英語での特別講演の様子をご紹介します。
Connecting for social change
Our class had the opportunity to join a nationwide lecture by Mahboubeh (Maha) Rakhshandehroo, Ph.D. Tokyo Clark students connected with campuses around Japan, including Sapporo, Osaka, and Nagoya, to participate in an interactive lesson focusing on presentation skills.
Targeting Sustainable Development Goals
This is part of the Clark social change conference, so the underlying theme is targeting SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals. Ms.Maha addressed body language dos and don’ts, appropriate tone, timing and other important skills relating to delivering a good presentation.
Sharpening public speaking skills
This is so important because students often have the opportunity to present, as well as later in the workforce. After the Zoom chat, we reflected on what we took away from the talk. Our students broadened their understanding, and sharpened their public speaking skills today.