
【インターナショナルコース】PDWC2025 ② Debates and New Partnerships

2月6日〜2月12日に、高校生がパーラメンタリーディベート(英国議会方式の即興ディベート)を通して国際文化交流を行う大会(PDWCParliamentary Debate World Conference & Competition 2025)が対面で開催されました。クラーク記念国際高校東京キャンパスからは、インターナショナルコースの1, 2, 3年生3名が参加しました!



Debates and New Partnerships

Day 2 brought the first real challenge. Our students were grouped with peers from other schools and countries to prepare for their first debate. The topic was thought-provoking: “It’s better to be an adult than a child!” The students had to empathize with the responsibilities and struggles of adulthood, which was no easy task.

大会2日目に、最初の試練がやってきました。本校の生徒たちは、他校や他国の生徒たちとグループ分けされ、初めてのディベートに備えました。テーマは「子どもより大人である方がいい!」という示唆に富むものでした 。生徒たちは、大人になることの責任や葛藤に共感しなければならず、それは容易なことではありませんでした。

Opening ceremony, debate training and welcome dinner

I was thoroughly impressed by the maturity and depth of their arguments. They demonstrated critical thinking skills that showed they were already considering issues they might face in the future. Our students, despite their nerves, held their ground and contributed meaningfully.


After a day of preparing, we attended the welcome dinner, where we enjoyed delicious food and fun activities, and bonded with participants from all over the world. The real debates would begin the next day, and everyone was excited and a little anxious about what was to come.


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