
【インターナショナルコース】PDWC2025 ③ Official Debate Round 1 – Victory!

2月6日〜2月12日に、高校生がパーラメンタリーディベート(英国議会方式の即興ディベート)を通して国際文化交流を行う大会(PDWCParliamentary Debate World Conference & Competition 2025)が対面で開催されました。クラーク記念国際高校東京キャンパスからは、インターナショナルコースの1, 2, 3年生3名が参加しました!



Official Debate Round 1 – Victory!

The third day began with an early breakfast buffet, a welcome start to a busy day. With the wind howling outside and the chill in the air, the students tried to shake off their nerves as they prepared for the first official debate. The keynote speech focused on the issue of over-tourism, a topic particularly relevant to Japan, and set the stage for the debate to follow.


After a quick meeting to finalize the speaking order, the students were ready for their first match. Their opponents were the passionate and well-prepared team from Future School Mongolia. The topic was “The house believes that global tourism has done more harm than good.” Our team represented the proposition side, and their arguments were insightful and well-structured. The result? A victory! The students were elated, and the win gave them the confidence they needed to push forward into the remaining rounds.

スピーチの順番を決める簡単なミーティングの後、生徒たちは最初の試合に臨みました。対戦相手は、情熱的で準備万端のモンゴル「Future High School」のチームです。テーマは 「世界的な観光産業は、良いことよりも悪いことの方が多いか」でした。私たちのチームは提案側を代表し、彼らの主張は洞察に富み、構成もしっかりしていました。結果は勝利!生徒たちは歓喜し、この勝利は残りのラウンドに進むための自信となりました。

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