【インターナショナルコース】PDWC2025 ⑤ Debate 3 – Growth and Leadership
Debate 3 – Growth and Leadership

最後のディベートの相手は、強さと組織力で知られるハンガリーのBudapest-Fasori Lutheran High Schoolチームでした。彼らの議論は手強く、残念ながら私たちの生徒たちはこのラウンドでも敗れました。結果に恵まれなかったものの、個人的な成長はまぎれもないものでした。私は生徒たちの目覚ましい成長を目の当たりにしました。
Invaluable lessons
Though the competition was fierce, the journey was a success. Our students returned with skills that went far beyond debating – leadership, resilience, and teamwork were just a few of the invaluable lessons they took away from the event.

I truly hope they carry these experiences back to school and inspire others to join in future debates. The semifinals and final were out of reach for us this year, but the students are ready to begin again. Therefore, we will start preparing. Look out, because here we come.