

クラーク国際 東京キャンパス インターナショナルコースのLevel 1のクラスでは、学年末を楽しい授業で締めくくりました。 今日は企画したLewis先生が、英語での伝統的なイギリスのオーツ麦ビスケットづくりの授業をご紹介します。


English Cooking Class

For the last class of the year, the international course held an English cooking class! Level 1 followed a recipe in English to make some biscuits from the United Kingdom.


 ‘Flapjack’ is a traditional biscuit eaten in the United Kingdom. It’s made using oats and lots of honey, so it’s very sweet.


Great way to improve your language skills

The students did a fantastic job with both their cooking and English skills, and every group made a great batch of biscuits. The goal was to have a fun final class to end the 2024 academic year


Cooking classes can be a great way to improve your language skills. Task Based Learning is a method used by language schools where English is the first language. In this method, students are set a problem and have to use their language skills to solve it.


Thank you for a great year level 1!

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