【インターナショナルコース】🇬🇧ルイス先生によるChain Story(チェイン・ストーリー)の体験授業
クラーク記念国際高等学校東京キャンパスのオープンキャンパスでは、校内見学や在校生のリアルな声を直接聞くことができます。また、好きなことにとことん熱中できる各コースの授業を実際に体験できる、体験授業も実施しています。今日はイングランド出身のルイス先生が、ビギナー向けのChain Story(チェイン・ストーリー)の体験授業をご紹介します!
Stories Spun with Friends – 仲間と紡ぐ物語

In our lesson during the Open Campus, students could try a class and see how they would enjoy studying at Clark! We had two levels available – a fun English class and a more challenging academic class. In the fun English class, we enjoyed making a Chain-story!
Turning the Story into a Manga! – 物語をマンガにする!
The students were a bit unsure how to write their story at first. But when I explained that it was a fantasy story and that anything could happen, it was a great opportunity for them to use their imagination. Afterwards, we turned the story into a manga by drawing a picture for each part of the story. The student’s artwork was fantastic!

Linking the Language to Imagination – 言葉を想像力に結びつける

Afterwards, the students switched pairs and retold their story to a new partner using only the pictures! The stories were very funny but it was also very rewarding to see the students using their own words to retell their story.
The activity allowed students to acquire English naturally by linking the language to their imagination and not translating it. It’s the same way we learn our first language. I think many students were surprised by how much of the story they remembered!