【進路】海外大学進学プログラム – Speaking for the TOEFL iBT
クラーク記念国際高等学校では、言語スキルの向上だけではなく、幅広い知識や考える力、国際理解力を養っています。進路は日本国内にとどまらず、海外の大学への進学を実現する生徒も少なくありません。7月から東京キャンパスでは、海外の大学への進学を志す生徒を対象に、『海外大学進学プログラム』を開始しています。今日はこのプログラムをリードするPeter先生が TOEFL iBT のスピーキングの授業をご紹介します。
TOEFL iBT Speaking task
Students are learning to understand questions and prepare appropriate responses. It can be very challenging organizing your opinions and thoughts into an answer for the test in such a short time. However, students are rising to the challenge and are doing everything they can to achieve their TOEFL goals.
Responding in a structured manner
One of the things that we want our students to do is respond in a structured manner. For example:
Q: Who is a person you admire and why?
Q. 尊敬する人物は誰ですか? また、その理由は何ですか?
Answer can be:
“I admire my father, because he is hard working and kind. First, he leaves the house very early to go to his job. Sometimes, I don’t see him until the weekend. Second, he is very kind. He helps me with my math homework when he can and supports me with other school activities that I don’t understand.”
How about you?
Who is a person you admire? If you would like to learn how to respond to this type of question, please come and speak to us.
あなたの尊敬する人は誰ですか? このような質問に対する答え方を学びたい方は、ぜひ私たちに話を聞きに来てください!