クラーク記念国際高等学校東京キャンパスには、4人のネイティブ教員が常駐しています。今日は、木曜日の午前中の習熟度別授業「英語コミュニケーション I」を担当している、イギリス出身のLewis先生が、英語教授法についてご紹介します。
The Changing Role of Language Education in Japan

As 英検 and the 共通テスト undergo continuous change to reflect a more comprehensive assessment of students’ English skills, so too should our lessons aim to equip students with the skills needed to be successful in all areas of language acquisition.
‘Round System’ of English Education
The ‘Round System’ of English education, developed by 金谷 憲 先生, gives students a thorough training in the four key skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Which also emulates the natural acquisition order native speakers go though.
‘Input-Output Cycle’ of Language Acquisition
Although a modified version of the system is used for senior high school instruction, an important aspect of the system still remains the same. This is the ‘input – output cycle’ of language acquisition based on the research of Michael Swan. Swan supposed that the most cost-effective way to rapidly improve a student’s second language is to have them retell a story they have heard. This results in the students producing much more English output than an original response would allow.
Engaging classroom for truly communicative activities
The most rewarding part of this style of class is how engaging it is for the students. A low anxiety atmosphere in the classroom allows for truly communicative activities. In this picture students are using a pictorial representation to retell the textbook to their partner.