【進路】海外大学進学プログラム – Academic Speaking –
Academic Speaking with Fukuda sensei

Today, the students are working on their speaking skills. Academic speaking is very different from general communication. Students are expected to brainstorm, collaborate, and structure their responses to a set question prompt.
Learning skills essential when applying to universities overseas
Once they have done that, they must deliver their speech in a clear and fluent manner. It can be very difficult, but learning these skills will help them achieve the TOEFL they need to apply to universities overseas. Have you tried this kind of speaking? Have you ever taken the TOEFL? If you would like to try, come and see us. We look forward to meeting you.

そしてクリアに、流暢にスピーチをしなければなりません。とても難しいことですが、これらのスキルを身につけることで、海外の大学に出願するために必要なTOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language = 外国語としての英語のテスト、トーフル)を達成することができます。