
Today, I asked the students to debate which super power they felt to be the most beneficial. I was surprised by their responses. Students believe that the power to be invisible would be much more fun and exciting than the ability to fly. They supported their opinions with reasons and examples.
The discussion that followed the debate was more heated than I expected. The students are really starting to understand how to debate – argumentation, cross-examination, rebuttal, and closing arguments. It’s great to see! Which super power would you like to have the most? Why do you feel this way?
今日のディベートのトピックは「どの超能力が最も有益か?」。 生徒は透明になる能力のほうが、飛行能力よりずっと楽しくてワクワクすると答えていたので驚きました。自分の意見を理由や例で裏付けることができています。ディベート後のディスカッションは予想以上に白熱しました。

生徒たちが今、立論、反対尋問、反駁(はんばく)、最終弁論といったディベートの方法を理解しはじめているのは素晴らしいことです!あなたならどんな超能力が最もほしいですか? なぜそのように思いますか?
Essay Contest

Today students started preparing for the All-Clark essay writing contest! The topic for this year is “an important experience for you!” It’s hard to think back after so many things have happened.
For example, the pandemic stopped so many school activities for the students. So, some of them need to think back to their elementary school days to find something that really matters to them. It has been a great learning experience so far!
How about you? What is your most important experience?
そのため、小学生の頃を思い出して、自分にとって本当に大切なものを見つける生徒もいました。今のところ、とても良いライティングの学習体験となっています! あなたにとって、一番大切な経験は何ですか?