5月7日(火)、東京体育館にて体育祭を実施しました。2, 3学年の有志で構成された100名近い実行委員が運営しました。今日はカナダ出身のAdam先生が、当日の様子をお伝えします。
Clark Tokyo Sports Day
We had our Clark sports day in the beautiful Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. It was a fun-filled, action-packed day. Each Grade had their own–colored T-shirts, making three equal teams.
Centipede Race(ムカデ競争)、Cavalry Battle(騎馬戦)、Group Jump Rope(大縄跳び)、Tug-of-war(綱引き)and more!
It was so interesting to see the kinds of games they played as a sports day in Canada can be quite different. Each team was competitive but also shared a lot of laughs together. The teachers were able to participate in an exhibition relay race, and the tug-of-war as well.
It was an amazing event
We also had a visit from our semi-professional soccer team. I’m so excited for the next one. Hope to see you there.